Chunky Earrings Decluttered!

My apologies for such long silence. I have been decluttering my wardrobe and jewelry and it took me a long time to sort out some of the unwanted stuff. In addition to managing my wardrobe, I also dived into my jewelry collection and sorted out some of the stuff I am no longer interested in. It looks like nobody is interested in it because I am struggling with selling all the pieces that I used to love no matter how cheaply I am ready to give the stuff away. It makes me sad.

Another point I realized is that I am no longer interested in traditional wooden or ceramic jewelry boxes. The main drawback is that I cannot see the contents because the lid is not transparent. Also, these boxes are of the wrong shape and size, as a result my jewelry pieces there clutter and get messed up.

A couple of months ago I ordered a plastic box with small sections for my earrings. In fact, I ordered a total of three such boxes. They serve the purpose really well, however, I had to find a solution how to go about my chunkier pieces, especially fashionable this season. I liked the glass box at H and M for nearly 10.00 euros, but neither of the physical shops in Vilnius have the model I want, and I am unsure about how safely a glass box can be shipped from abroad. The ones H and M in Vilnius have are similar at nearly 20.00 euros, Zara Home has an excellent one for nearly 35.00 euros.

Luckily, I checked out Ermitazas at Vilnius Akropolis and got myself a box at 11.99 euros that is not the model I had originally wanted but it is still lovely and serves the purpose well.



